General Information on BozMo Wikiscan
For anyone who doesn't know it, open edit sites are a wonderful invention for the international community: they are beautiful collaborative concepts. But they are spoiled by uninvited commercial postings (often called spam but technically spam is really unsolicited commercial emails). These postings are because the open edit sites are important information sites and links from them significantly influence google when it is deciding whether to give a high placement to a site in a search ranking. Spam all gets deleted eventually but often not before google has seen it which is too late.
Whenever I found spam I used to search on the spam term on the wiki I was on to find other instances. Then I noticed the same spammer hit lots of wikis and tried searching them all using google. But by the time google had seen the spam it was too late. Hence BozMo WikiScan which at present is a scan of wikis which is manually triggered whenever I have a spare moment over coffee to do a clean up.
Anyone who doesn't want it to visit just say so. The list of sites is quite long and some may not be wikis anymore or more likely it may be venturing outside the wiki part of the site. Let me know if it misbehaves.
I will put up info here if there are any changes or issues arising. Details of how to contact me are on the homepage
There is Technical Info on another page (which I'll improve when I have time).
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Oh and I should acknowledge the technical help of Duncan Harris in all the stuff I have done.